Our Story Starts with EVE’s Founder, Trisha Baptie
Trisha Baptie’s desire is to reframe the questions, assumptions, and analysis surrounding the world’s oldest oppression, of women and girls. She believes we must shift the focus, conversation, and responsibility off of the women who are being sexually exploited, and instead look at who and what put them there in the first place.
In 2007 Trisha reported on the Robert Pickton trial, and found her voice through giving voice to her friends that had been killed by Pickton by applying a feminist analysis to the issues and her life.
Trisha founded EVE in 2009 in response to the lack of representation of women with histories in the sex industry to speak to decisions being made about them. She became more active around the topic of prostitution as well as the peripheral issues at play.
Trisha has represented EVE extensively locally, nationally and internationally through many mediums such as conferences, documentaries, participating in panel discussions, working with all three levels of government, testifying as well as offering written submissions in Senate and Justice sub-committees around PCEPA, various campaigns, Supreme Court cases, and in news stories. What she loves is being able to support women as they walk into a healthier lifestyle, whatever that means to them.